Integrate Data

Fiskil delivers a secure and reliable integration to to help power your application with real-time energy-retailer data. Learn more about our data connectivity solutions.


A suite of undefined APIs for your business needs





Service Point






2  "accounts": [
3    {
4      "account_id": "203e18ee-228e-4987-a9f2-d04fcca82a4a",
5      "account_number": "b85c6fe2-24db-4265-93ac-eb1506c5a109",
6      "creation_date": "2019-12-19",
7      "display_name": "Single Rate w/ Solar Feed In",
8      "open_status": "OPEN",
9      "plans": [
10        {
11          "authorised_contacts": null,
12          "plan_detail": {
13            "electricity_contract": {
14              "additional_fee_information": "additional fees and charges may apply. please see the agl fee schedules",
15              "controlled_load": null,
16              "discounts": null,
17              "eligibility": [
18                {
19                  "description": "direct debit",
20                  "information": "direct debit is mandatory for the energy plan selected.",
21                  "type": "other"
22                },
23                {
24                  "description": "e_billing",
25                  "information": "you must receive bills and other account related communications via your nominated email address for the duration of this energy plan.",
26                  "type": "other"
27                }
28              ],
29              "fees": null,
30              "green_power_charges": null,
31              "incentives": null,
32              "is_fixed": false,
33              "on_expiry_description": "your market contract is ongoing. at the end of your 2 year benefit period, you will be placed on a new energy plan. we will notify you if there are any differences between these plans.",
34              "payment_option": [
35                "DIRECT_DEBIT"
36              ],
37              "pricing_model": "SINGLE_RATE",
38              "solar_feed_in_tariff": [
39                {
40                  "description": "",
41                  "display_name": "feed-in tariff",
42                  "payer_type": "RETAILER",
43                  "scheme": "OTHER",
44                  "single_tariff": {
45                    "rates": null
46                  },
47                  "tariff_u_type": "singleTariff"
48                }
49              ],
50              "tariff_period": [
51                {
52                  "daily_supply_charges": "0.5083",
53                  "display_name": "all-year",
54                  "end_date": "12-31",
55                  "rate_block_u_type": "singleRate",
56                  "single_rate": {
57                    "description": "",
58                    "display_name": "general usage",
59                    "period": "PT24H",
60                    "rates": [
61                      {
62                        "measure_unit": "KWH",
63                        "unit_price": "0.2072",
64                        "volume": 0
65                      }
66                    ]
67                  },
68                  "start_date": "01-01",
69                  "time_zone": "LOCAL",
70                  "type": "RETAIL_SERVICE"
71                }
72              ],
73              "variation": "energy rates may be varied at any time by giving you written notice at least 5 business days prior to the change. other charges and tariffs, including daily export caps and solar feed-in tarriffs, may be varied with notice to you"
74            },
75            "fuel_type": "ELECTRICITY",
76            "metering_charges": null
77          },
78          "plan_overview": {
79            "display_name": "employee rate energy plan",
80            "end_date": "2024-05-19",
81            "start_date": "2020-05-20"
82          },
83          "service_point_ids": [
84            "4e067b1a-6ee1-4079-b935-e3afcc50b82f"
85          ]
86        }
87      ],
88      "institution_id": "99999"
89    }
90  ],
91  "links": {}

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